In its nearly 20 years of existence, AmblesideOnline has never charged for its online curriculum or forum. Our entire offering has been and will always be free.
We have been able to pay for our work through Amazon's Affiliate program, but we now have an opportunity to provide an additional way to support AO.
Living Book Press publishes a number of books that are in AmblesideOnline's curriculum. LBP has several titles for which they've sought and gained reprint rights, and some that have never before been transcribed and republished. This is already a wonderful contribution to the Charlotte Mason community in general, and the AmblesideOnline family in particular.
One of our objectives at AmblesideOnline is that of using the best possible books that are also readily available. On our site, we include links to free online sources where they exist. We suggest that our families buy used books for their home or group's library, and we also link to inexpensive Kindle e-books.
As we list books for each year, we have provided links to Amazon. When you purchase a book through that link, AO receives a small percentage, as an Amazon Affiliate. This has helped us sustain the work of AO over the years, a work which we offer completely for free.
In the light of recent concerns and as assurance regarding those concerns, and also because we are grateful for the work of Living Book Press, we have entered into an additional affiliate program - this time with LBP. On our website, you will see this symbol: £, which is a direct link to purchase that title through LBP. When you buy the book that way, AO will also receive a small percentage to help us with the ongoing work of AmblesideOnline.
We will continue to link to both Amazon and Living Book Press (where applicable), in order to provide our AmblesideOnline family with as many options as we can.
This is wonderful!!!
ReplyDeleteSo wonderful!
ReplyDeleteWay to go! Thanks, AO; thanks, Anthony. ❤️
ReplyDeleteThank you!
ReplyDeleteCan you tell me if I simply go to LBP site and select the AmblesideOnline option, we AO receive "credit" for any books I purchase using that menu?
ReplyDeleteHi Nicole, that's a great question and idea. I'm LBP. I put that question there for my own curiosity before any of this came around so that if there were people from other curricula often buying I could see about making a category for them to find things easily like I do with AO. At the moment that info can't link to anything, I just see it as I process the orders, so you're best clicking through a link on AO's page to make sure they get it, but I'll see what I can do about having a way for people to choose their affiliate at checkout.
DeleteOh this is great!
ReplyDeleteThis is lovely. I am so thankful for Living Book Press!
ReplyDeletePerhaps Living Press would consider expanding to the UK - there seem to be more and more Ambleside Online users over here!
ReplyDeleteIf I click the link from AO and then go back and do more shopping and keep adding to the cart from the AO site, will the whole order get the affiliate credit that way?
ReplyDeleteI am so happy to stumble across this after having just ordered many of our Year 1 books via LBP links! Thank you for all that you do at AO, I am happy to support when I can!
ReplyDeleteI LOVE AO and LBP. I'll be sure to click the link when purchasing!